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Talents seeking!

Talents seeking!

As Nissactive is handling more and more innovating cosmetic projects, we are looking for a trainee to help us stay efficient. Are you interesting in natural compounds ? Sensitive to plant valorization ? Passionate about cosmetic innovation ?
If you want to gain experience in vegetal extraction, enzymatic tests, physicochemical analyses (HPLC, GC, stability control...), do not hesitate any longer !
You will be our perfect trainee !
Apply trough the contact form or at the following address :

Publication of the article : Actifs cosmétiques anti-lumière bleue, in the Techniques de l'Ingénieur

Publication of the article : Actifs cosmétiques anti-lumière bleue, in the Techniques de l'Ingénieur

NissActive is really proud to announce the publication of the article "Actifs cosmétiques anti-lumière bleue" in the Techniques de l'Ingénieur (J3008, January 2020). 

Abstract: Blue light or high energy visible light (HEV) corresponds to short wavelengths (380-500 nm) naturally emitted by the sun, as well as by artificial light sources (electronic devices) ubiquitous in our environment. A chronic exposition to HEV disturbs the circadian rhythm and causes cutaneous harms by favoring the oxidative stress. Aware of these effects, cosmetics manufacturers increasingly propose anti-HEV cosmetics. After a focus on the cutaneous HEV impacts, an overview of the techniques employed to assess the efficacy of anti-HEV actives is presented. A synthesis of the main anti-HEV actives, and some commercialized formulations currently available on the market is produced.

NissActive at Cosmetic 360

NissActive at Cosmetic 360

NissActive was at Cosmetic 360 to present its first natural and sustainable cosmetic actives developed from agricultural by-products of Mediterranean origin: B-PlumNA (developed from plum leaves) and D-OakNA (developed from downy oak aerial parts).

Publication of the article  : Extraction of natural fragrance ingredients: history overview and future, in the journal Chemistry & Biodiversity

Publication of the article : Extraction of natural fragrance ingredients: history overview and future, in the journal Chemistry & Biodiversity

NissActive is really proud to announce the publication of the article "Extraction of natural fragrance ingredients: history overview and future trends" in the journal Chemistry & Biodiversity (2019). 

NissActive at Cosmetic 360

NissActive at Cosmetic 360

NissActive will be at Cosmetic 360 held in Paris, October 16th-17th 
Come visit our booth ST20 !

Publication of the 2nd article : Actifs cosmétiques anti-pollution - Tests d’efficacité et formulations, in the Techniques de l'Ingénieur

Publication of the 2nd article : Actifs cosmétiques anti-pollution - Tests d’efficacité et formulations, in the Techniques de l'Ingénieur

NissActive is really proud to announce the publication of the article "Actifs cosmétiques anti-pollution - Tests d’efficacité et formulations" in the Techniques de l'Ingénieur (May 2019). 

Abstract: After an overview of the scientific techniques employed to assess the anti-pollution activity of cosmetic ingredient, a synthesis of the main ingredients, either natural or synthetic, and some commercialized formulations available on the market will be produced.

Publication of the article : Actifs cosmétiques anti-pollution - Les polluants environnementaux et leur impact cutané, in the Techniques de l'Ingénieur

Publication of the article : Actifs cosmétiques anti-pollution - Les polluants environnementaux et leur impact cutané, in the Techniques de l'Ingénieur

NissActive is really proud to announce the publication of the article "Actifs cosmétiques anti-pollution - Les polluants environnementaux et leur impact cutané" in the Techniques de l'Ingénieur (May 2019). 

Abstract: The World Health Organization (WHO) reported in 2016 that 90% of the worldwide population lived in areas that do not meet its directory lines in terms of air quality. Consumers, aware of the detrimental effects of air pollutants on their skin, head towards anti-pollution cosmetics. After a focus on the emergence of anti-pollution cosmetics on the market, this article presents the main atmospheric pollutants that may have an impact on the skin. Finally, their mechanisms of action at the cutaneous level are described to identify potential targets for anti-pollution cosmetics.

Sciences and Nature price, Inventiveness Trophy COTE INVENT’2019

Sciences and Nature price, Inventiveness Trophy COTE INVENT’2019

NissActive was awarded the Sciences and Nature price of the contest "Inventiveness Trophy, COTE INVENT’2019", organised in partnership with the UPE06. 

Special distinction, Université Côte d’Azur

Special distinction, Université Côte d’Azur

Hortense Plainfossé was awarded a special distinction by the dean of Université Côte d’Azur and received 22 000 euros from the Initiative d’Excellence UCAJEDI, to encourage her dynamism and to reward her for all the work done during her PhD and via the creation of NissActive.  

NissActive, member of the Cosmetic Valley network

NissActive, member of the Cosmetic Valley network

We are proud to announce that NissActive has joined the Cosmetic Valley, the world's leading perfumery and  cosmetics network.

Publication of the article : Design methodology for the development of a new cosmetic active based on Prunus domestica L. leaves extract, in the journal Cosmetics

Publication of the article : Design methodology for the development of a new cosmetic active based on Prunus domestica L. leaves extract, in the journal Cosmetics

NissActive is really proud to announce the publication of the article "Design methodology for the development of a new cosmetic active based on Prunus domestica L. leaves extract" in the journal Cosmetics. This study undertaken in collaboration with the Chemistry Institute of Nice and with JYTA focuses on the development of liquid anti-aging ingredient based on a Prunus domestica L. extract obtained by maceration of plums’ dried leaves in propylene glycol. This active will be commercially launched very soon.

Find the article:

NissActive is looking for a M1 intern

NissActive is looking for a M1 intern

NissActive is looking for a M1 intern working in the R&D department on the development of a natural anti-age ingredient

Regional Pepite award ceremony

Regional Pepite award ceremony

NissActive, regional Pépite award winner, received its price during the Entrepreneurs & Etudiants - Mode d'emploi event

3rd position in the Prix de la Jeune Entreprise 2018 contest

3rd position in the Prix de la Jeune Entreprise 2018 contest

NissActive managed 3rd position in the Prix de la Jeune Entreprise 2018 contest organised by the UPE06 in he frame of the 17th edition of the Entreprenariales.

NissActive at the 30th ISCNP, Athens

NissActive at the 30th ISCNP, Athens

The NissActive  team had the great opportunity to share its R&D activity at the 30th International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products that took place in Athens, November 25-29, 2018.

NissActive, CIR certified for 2018-2020

NissActive, CIR certified for 2018-2020

We are really proud to announce that NissActive has been CIR (Research Tax Credit) certified for 2018-2020.

This certification enables NissActive's clients to be eligible to tax refund of up to 30 % of their R&D expenses.

NissActive, Pépite award winner

NissActive, Pépite award winner

We are really proud to announce that NissActive was awarded the Pépite prize in the Pépite-Tremplin Entrepreneuriat Etudiant 2018 contest rewarding young students and graduates who plan to create/have successfully created a business. Those 5000 euros will help us to make our first projects concrete !

3rd position in the Pierre Lafitte 2018 contest

3rd position in the Pierre Lafitte 2018 contest

Hortense Plainfossé, scientific director of NissActive, managed 3rd position in the Pierre Lafitte 2018 contest co-organised by the doctoral schools SFA and STIC, University Côte d'Azur, University Paris Sciences et Lettres, and the Mines ParisTech-PSL. Congratulations !

NissActive, certified Grasse Expertise

NissActive, certified Grasse Expertise

​NissActive, certified Grasse Expertise. Grasse Expertise unites professionals from the emblematic fragrance and flavors industries of Grasse and the surrounding region of the Pays de Grasse.

Publication of the article : Eco-conception of an anti-age ingredient based on Quercus pubescens Willd. leaves extract, in H&PC Today

Publication of the article : Eco-conception of an anti-age ingredient based on Quercus pubescens Willd. leaves extract, in H&PC Today

NissActive is really proud to announce the publication of the article "Eco-conception of an anti-age ingredient based on Quercus pubescens Willd. leaves extract" in the journal H&PC Today. This study undertaken in collaboration with the Chemistry Institute of Nice and with JYTA focuses on the development of green anti-age ingredient with proven efficacy based on truffle oak. This active will be commercially launched very soon.

Find the article: 

NissActive, finalist in the Pierre Lafitte 2018 contest

NissActive, finalist in the Pierre Lafitte 2018 contest

NissActive was selected as a finalist in the Pierre Lafitte 2018 contest co-organised by the doctoral schools SFA and STIC, University Côte d'Azur, University Paris Sciences et Lettres, and the Mines ParisTech-PSL.

NissActive, regional laureate and national finalist in the Pépite 2018 contest

NissActive, regional laureate and national finalist in the Pépite 2018 contest

NissActive was selected as a regional laureate in the Pépite 2018 contest, and  is subsequently invited to participate to national final taking place soon (

NissActive - video presentation

NissActive - video presentation

Find you new video presentation here:

2nd European Cosmetics and Natural Products Summit 2018

2nd European Cosmetics and Natural Products Summit 2018

NissActive took part to the 2nd European Cosmetics and Natural Products Summit 2018 organised by Waters in Grasse, June 28th-29th. Hortense Plainfossé gave a talk entitled "Cosmetic objectification of natural ingredients: Analytical methodology and encountered difficulties". A nice occasion for us to meet actors from both the Personal Care and Perfume & Fragrances industries.

BPI grant

BPI grant

So proud to announce that NissActive just obtained a 25 000 euros grant from BPI France - Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur, the Public Bank of Investment that helps businesses at every step of their development (
A little help so that we can complete the development of our first actives planned to be commercially launched beginning of 2019.

Golden Trophy 2018: second price for NissActive

Golden Trophy 2018: second price for NissActive

April, 3rd 2018, NissActive was awarded the second price in the Golden Trophy 2018 contest organised in Marseille by PFactory and Sud Startups, in partnership with AirFrance, PCE Conseil, Sundesk, CCI Marseille Provence, Caisse d'Epargne CEPAC, Pépite PACA OUEST, Prépite PACA and Orange.

Oui à l'Industrie, second price for NissActive

Oui à l'Industrie, second price for NissActive

March, 28th 2018, NissActive was awarded the second price in the Oui à l'industrie 2018 contest organised by the  Reindustrialisation Institute, in partnership with Cisco France, IESFfrance, AEF Groupe, Groupe CESI, epf_ingenieurs, Syntec_Inge and GIM.

Watch our video, presented during the award ceremony organised at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie in Paris :

BA06 event 2018

BA06 event 2018

NissActive attend the BA06 event 2018 organised by BA06 and the CCI Nice Côte d'Azur. A nice occasion for us to meet futur partners and clients.

NissActive Elevator Pitch for BA06 event

NissActive Elevator Pitch for BA06 event

NissActive will attend the 8th edition of BA06 event, the innovation market in PACA, taking place March 21st 2018 at the Nice Côte d’Azur Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Watch our elevator pitch on

First Agricultural Convention in Grasse

First Agricultural Convention in Grasse

NissActive took part to the First Agricultural Convention in Grasse, on Thursday, 22 February 2018. NissActive had the opportunity to meet the local producers and took part to the discussion about Perfume, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants.

Publication of the article : Development of a Natural Anti-Age Ingredient Based on Quercus pubescens Willd. Leaves Extract—A Case Study,in Cosmetics

Publication of the article : Development of a Natural Anti-Age Ingredient Based on Quercus pubescens Willd. Leaves Extract—A Case Study,in Cosmetics

NissActive is really proud to announce the publication of the article "Development of a Natural Anti-Age Ingredient Based on Quercus pubescens Willd. Leaves Extract—A Case Study" in the journal Cosmetics. This study undertaken in collaboration with the Chemistry Institute of Nice and with JYTA focuses on the development of innovative cosmetic actives with proven efficacy based on truffle oak. Those actives will be launched very soon.

Article available in open access:

NissActive, UNICE Foundation award winner

NissActive, UNICE Foundation award winner

We are really proud to announce that NissActive was awarded The UNICE foundation prize in the CEIP 2017 contest rewarding young entrepreneurs who have successfully created a business.

NissActive, finalist in the Norbert Ségard Foundation contest

NissActive, finalist in the Norbert Ségard Foundation contest

NissActive was selected as a finalist in the Norbert Ségard Foundation contest for innovation. Hortense Plainfossé will defend the NissActive project in Lille in January (

Journées de Formulation

Journées de Formulation

NissActive was partner of the 18th Journées de Formulation, organized in Nice, December 4-5, 2017. It was a great opportunity to make lots of fruitful contacts among formulation and cosmetic professionals. It was also the occasion for Hortense Plainfossé to present the main activities of the society through a poster and a flash presentation.



NissActive was well represented at the first #InnovaNight organised in Grasse by the association Initiative Terres d'Azur. Theme of the night: INNOVATION; it was the occasion to discover a new tool, the Innovation Honor Loan, and to meet partners, other entrepreneurs of the territory and local politicians.

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Espace Jacques-Louis Lions

4 traverse Dupont

06130 GRASSE


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